Just what the fuck was I thinking?

I've never loved anything on the planet as much as I love roadracing and GP bikes. Why the fuck would I sell the shit I've tried my whole short pathetic assed life to get? Money? What?! I'll make more of that shit!

This bike isn't for sale, no way, no how. Delete this fucking post, pretty please!

INTERESTING TRADE OFFERS? NO STREET BIKES! NO DIRT BIKES! I'll give you this and a bunch of bicycles for your BROKEN TZ250, LMFAO

It looks like this now:

It's a GP bike. There are no guarantees or warranties. Other than the fact that I'm gonna break the shit out of it this summer.

Call 719-201-0110 or E-mail Aston.Reynolds@gmail.com

I got pissed at my phone last night and ran a 1/2" drill bit through it because I can. E-mail is the preferred method until I replace that POS.

Ask for Aston.