This has come up before, and when the discussion was occurring I had to ask myself, who benefits the most when I refer someone to the MRA?

The best answer I could come up with was myself

Something you may not know is how much the decline of the US economy affected the MRA. Due to many riders no longer having expendable income participation dwindled, and on top of that the expenses associated with providing a race weekend climbed. If it wasn't for a very dedicated membership and business savvy board members the MRA very well could have disappeared before I ever had the opportunity to race a motorcycle.

I look back now and wonder what my life would be like if I never had that chance, and what if this is the last year I have that chance? Its to depressing to think about, so I spend most of my days at the motorcycle shop preaching the gospel of racing and handing out superstreet flyer's praying that my extra effort will save something I love.

As you can see everyone including yourself benefits when you refer someone to your club. I hope everyone in this club can see that, and continues to do their best spreading our racing gospel.

If its novice hours you want follow the link

I promise volunteering with the MRA is a lot of fun and much easier than you think.

Non the less I'll talk to the other board members about this for sure.

I think if you choose to buy your novice hours its...$100