March 17th, Denver's St. Patrick's Day Parade

- This will be the 11th year the Colorado Sportbike Club will be participating in the parade, and this year CSC has given us the opportunity to join them.

- Due to the rules of the parade we will not be able to ride our race bikes in down town denver :roll:, but luckly for us the CSC has offered to pull a trailer on behalf of the MRA with the truck that follows their members.

What we need from our members to make this happen:

- Good looking race bikes to display on the trailer
1) Zack Richey #96 2)Bart McKiernan #45
- Volunteers who want to decorate the trailer/"FLOAT"
1) Stephanie Kondrotis
- Volunteers to walk with the trailer to distribute MRA info
1) Randall Turner #427, 2) Adam and Noah
- Characters willing to draw attention to themselves! :lol:

Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to volunteer via PM and or email