Quote Originally Posted by AdamandNoahsdad
When can we start the conspiracy theory posts about how Tony knowingly removed them in an effort to make money for the club via fines?

Just kidding Tony.
Believe me, I would have never tried that hard... I would have just given the club the money in the first place... :lol:

Since none of the initial bikes we got to start the class had them, and nobody took one off, we literally had no idea that they were missing. To call it a "snorkel" is a bit of a stretch anway... I expected it to be/look like the "carp mouth" type snorkels they have on dirtbikes and the old yamaha airboxes... It's a rectangular black rubber box that mounts to the side of the airbox, behind the subframe rail. Even looking at one bike that has one and one bike that doesn't, it takes a minute to see what you're looking for.

Because the bikes I provided were missing those, I thought it was only fair that I paid everyone's fine. They did nothing wrong, imo.

I'll also pay the cost to put one on their bikes if that's the direction we go with the rules.

Talk about embarrassing though... sigh.

One things for sure... there is NO performance advantage to not having one... and since everyone who keeps beating me HAS one - I'm gonna put one on regardless of what the outcome of the rule review is. :lol: