I'm not sure there is any easy answer to this dilemma. If you think about it the opportunity to take unfair advantage is not only in racing. Cheating on your spouse, taxes, business agreements whatever. It's all over the place. Why some people do it in some situations and not in others is pretty interesting actually. And how far does it go? If the motor isn't correct for the class, does the rider bump another rider in a turn because he can get away with it. Could be real dangerous IMHO. In the end we all have to sleep at night with our own conscience. That's what it means to be an adult. Some people avoid doing this. They don't have internal rules that guide them. They'll do things because no one will catch them. They're more susceptible to bending the rules. No one is watching them all the time. It's always interesting to me to see at what price each person will sell his or her integrity. We all intuitively know who we can trust and whom we can't. And, finally, for me, it's about trust. Do we value trust in one another. . . they won't intentionally hurt us; they will follow the class rules etc. I think the MRA has a community that does follow the rules for the the most part and treats each member with respect. I think the community is made up of adults who know the rules and know how to have fun. With competition there will always be grousing about who wins and why, but I can't imagine that being in a club where people don't respect themselves or one another enough to follow the rules could be much fun. The focus would just be on the rules who's following them and who isn't. Yuk. Sorry for the long winded response.