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Thread: 2012 Rule Change Suggestions

  1. #26
    Mohammer Time! Expert
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    Aug 2005
    Why don't people run the stock cooling fans?

  2. #27
    Senior Member Expert
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    seventh circle of board hell
    Rad fans do nothing at speed and detract from cooling while on the track which is why all the kit harnesses don't have fan hookups.
    The basic problem we have is not enough air to cool the bike so bikes that are fine at sea level run 20 + degrees hotter here. Ricky O has already had a highside on a cooldown lap due to the bike over heating and that is why I want to look at modded or larger rads as a possiblity.

  3. #28
    Senior Member Expert
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TRK
    Why don't people run the stock cooling fans?
    Cooling fans are there to provide airflow when the bike isn't moving (traffic lights, etc). They're never on (or at least shouldn't be) when the bike is moving).
    The GECCO

    You begin your racing career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.

  4. #29
    Senior Member Expert
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    Oct 2005
    I used to run a fan on my GSXR1000 and out helped a lot, it was hard wired with a switch for those times when you were held on hot pit too long, and when you slowed down on the cool down lap. I put it on for a reason, and it did it's job. Most bikes will lose power when they get over 190'

  5. #30
    Mohammer Time! Expert
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    My bike runs 15 degrees cooler after I kick on the fan mid race.
    If I don't kick on the fan I run a tad over 205 210 on a really hot day flip the switch........180 to 190

    Maybe it I went faster I wouldn't need the fan, but it works for me.

    I also noticed Clarkie ran his on a 200 plus hp super bike for the same reason. (Clarkie, I made the 200 hp assumption)

  6. #31
    Senior Member Expert
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    It was 210hp :wink: The fan with a hard wired switch or a simple adjustable fan temp switch set to 185' works well

  7. #32
    President Expert
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    MRA #29

  8. #33
    Senior Member Expert
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    LOL sorry for being someone that can actually build a motor in Colorado that stays together for more than one race weekend? :lol:

  9. #34
    Senior Member Amateur
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    Denver, CO
    The intent of this proposal is to create a racer service commitment that doesn't distinguish between Novice and Expert designation. It is implemented as a 'Delete / Add' because the current Novice requirement is contained in the section that defines the Novice to Expert advancement.

    The guidelines for the rule change process request the submission of very specific language. If you agree in principle but disagree in the particulars (# of hrs; buyout rate, covered activities), speak up.

    Delete 4.6.D,E,F,G:

    D. All riders who begin the season as a Novice must complete 4 hours of community service to the club that season. Novice riders must complete 4 hours of service before being upgraded to expert. Failure to complete the service will result in the forfeiture of all points and standings for the season in all classes in which the rider has competed.

    E. For the purposes of this section ‘community service’ may include but not be confined to scorekeeping, cornerworking or any other service as defined by the Board.

    F. The Board may waive the requirement of community service for a rider for extraordinary circumstances and by a majority vote of the Board.

    G. Point calculations for the purposes of advancing to expert (Section 4.3) will be applied prior to application of penalties due to failure to complete 4 hours of service to the club.


    4.4.4.C Community Service

    1. All riders who are not members of the MRA Board must either:

    a. Complete 4 hours of community service to the club each season, or
    b. Pay $25/hr to the club for each partial hour not worked.

    Failure to comply with one of the above conditions will result in the forfeiture of all points and standings for the season in all classes in which the rider has competed.

    2. The period for Community Service begins the day after the previous season's last race, and continues through the end of the current season's last race weekend.

    3. Fullfillment of the Community Service requirement will be tracked on the MRA website for all riders, indicating both 'if' and 'how' the requirement has been completed, (i.e., 'Board Member', 'waived', 'x hours / y dollars').

    4. For the purposes of this section ‘community service’ may include but not be confined to scorekeeping, cornerworking, race school instruction, new-racer adoption / coaching, assisting a board member, activities on/for board-designated commitees or groups, or any other service as defined by the Board. First year Novices can fullfill their commitment by attending MRA monthly General Meetings, at a rate of 1/2 hr per meeting.

    a. Riders must have prior consent of any responsible Board member in order to fullfill their Community Service in such capacity. (This is geared towards cornerworking and PR events.)

    5. The Board may waive the requirement of community service for a rider for extraordinary circumstances and by a majority vote of the Board.

    6. For Novices, point calculations for the purposes of advancing to expert (Section 4.3) will be applied prior to application of penalties due to failure to complete 4 hours of service to the club.

    One modification to help our financially challenged club would be to increase the license fee for racers by the $100 buy-out amount, and then account for service commitment fullfillment as ongoing credits. This would eliminate the 'Failure to comply' text, as everyone would be in compliance when they paid their license fee.

    This would change the Community Service rules (4.4.4.C.1 and 4.4.4.C.2) as follows:

    4.4.4.C Community Service

    1. All riders who are not members of the MRA Board are able to earn up to $100 credit for community service, at the rate of $25/hr, for activities
    enumerated in 4.4.4.C.4, below.

    2. The period for Community Service runs from the the date when licensing opens, through that year's awards banquet.


    I realize that this would add to the workload of both the MRA Secretary and Treasurer; I hereby volunteer to oversee the management of this community service requirement in order to offset its costs. Surely the benefits to the club, in terms of both increased fairness between the Expert and Novice classes, increased funding, and increased participation by club members, outweighs the cost of change.

  10. #35
    Senior Member Amateur
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    Denver, CO
    Scott -

    If you're adding the Tuono to Thunderbike eligibility, how about the KTM SuperDuke? I have no intention :roll: of tracking it, but it is paid off now...

  11. #36
    Senior Member Expert
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    May 2005
    Section 11:

    Current Version:

    D. Pets are discouraged, but are permitted on a leash no longer than 7 feet. No snakes, reptiles, arachnids, spiny echidnas, or amphibians are allowed. MRA officials reserve the right to remove vicious or uncontrolled pets at the owner’s expense.

    Proposed Version:

    D. Pets are discouraged, but are permitted on a leash no longer than 7 feet. No snakes, reptiles, arachnids, badgers, or the representation thereof, or amphibians are allowed. MRA officials reserve the right to remove vicious or uncontrolled pets at the owner’s expense.


    The Spiny Echidna is a generally docile creature that deploys it's spines in defense from attack only. Furthermore they are non-indigenous and highly unlikely to be kept as a pet by an MRA member. The badger, especially the honey badger, on the other hand, is an aggressive ill behaving creature that is prone to indiscretion at any time.

    Team Spiny Echidna raced the 4-hour endurance this year in an effort to raise awareness regarding the unjust exclusion of this friendly mammal from our ranks.
    MRA Expert #69
    Sponsored by: Chicane Instruction
    STM Suspension, Speedin' Motorsports
    Northern Colorado Euro Motorcycles
    Boulder Motorsports, Sol Performance Pirelli
    Angry Marmot Motorsports
    Sarah, Aaron and David

  12. #37
    Senior Member Expert
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    Jul 2010
    Silverthorne, CO

    Slicks and DOT's in Supersport

    It looks like I might be too Late?
    I would like to propose that slicks and DOT's be allowed in all supersport classes.
    Reason: I run slicks and don't want to switch!!!!
    Also USBA may be making this exact same rule change... They site many reasons:
    A- Tire vendors like the idea of streamlining their inventory? I personally don't understand this one.
    B- Most tire vendors say that their Dot's are no longer true Dot's, but the same compound, tire, casing, etc, just grooves added and a meaningless DOT rating.
    C- I Think the original intent of the rule was to create a less expensive, true DOT tire requirement, to keep bikes closer to street form, and create parity between bikes. Modern Dot's no longer represent these requirements accurately.
    D- Many riders racing in the other classes are discouraged from running the supersport classes because of the significant hassle and expense of switching to Dot's for those classes. (I personally agree 100% with this).
    Futhermore... The people who really like the Dot's they currently race on can still continue to use them and be competitive.
    I have noticed a benefit of good more forgiving wear, and consistant performance from racing on slicks, and feel like it more than justifies the extra $10 per rear tire! This will not change the cost to compete for any racers in my opinion.
    Summary: We can all run the same tires that we prefer in any, and all classes that we choose!

    Current Rule~
    G. Only DOT approved tires or non-DOT full rain tires may be used. The original
    molded tread pattern cannot be modified. Non-DOT slicks and non-DOT
    intermediate tires are not allowed.
    a. Manufacturers must make tires available in minimum quantities as follows:
    1) Front tires - 100
    2) Rear tires - 200
    b. Construction and compound number will identify approved tires.
    c. Manufacturer must verify that the tire is available for purchase by any
    competitor through normal dealer/distributor channels in quantities no less
    than stated above.
    d. Tire manufacturers who try to circumvent these requirements may have their
    eligibility revoked.
    e. Any competitor found to be using a tire not meeting the above requirements or
    which differs in any way from an approved model may be penalized according
    to Section 13.

    Propossed Change~
    G. Only DOT approved tires or non-DOT Slicks, full rain tires, intermediate rain tires may be used. The original
    molded tread pattern cannot be modified.
    a. Manufacturers must make tires available in minimum quantities as follows:
    1) Front tires - 100
    2) Rear tires - 200
    b. Construction and compound number will identify approved tires.
    c. Manufacturer must verify that the tire is available for purchase by any
    competitor through normal dealer/distributor channels in quantities no less
    than stated above.
    d. Tire manufacturers who try to circumvent these requirements may have their
    eligibility revoked.
    e. Any competitor found to be using a tire not meeting the above requirements or
    which differs in any way from an approved model may be penalized according
    to Section 13.
    Dennis Stowers MRA #151
    2021-2023 MRA BoD Rider Representative - Rulebook
    Absolute Moto-Michelin
    Speedin' Motorsports

  13. #38
    Senior Member Expert
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Littleton, Co

    Re: Slicks and DOT's in Supersport

    Quote Originally Posted by Fastt Racing
    It looks like I might be too Late?
    I would like to propose that slicks and DOT's be allowed in all supersport classes.
    Reason: I run slicks and don't want to switch!!!!
    Also USBA may be making this exact same rule change... They site many reasons:
    A- Tire vendors like the idea of streamlining their inventory? I personally don't understand this one.
    B- Most tire vendors say that their Dot's are no longer true Dot's, but the same compound, tire, casing, etc, just grooves added and a meaningless DOT rating.
    C- I Think the original intent of the rule was to create a less expensive, true DOT tire requirement, to keep bikes closer to street form, and create parity between bikes. Modern Dot's no longer represent these requirements accurately.
    D- Many riders racing in the other classes are discouraged from running the supersport classes because of the significant hassle and expense of switching to Dot's for those classes. (I personally agree 100% with this).
    Futhermore... The people who really like the Dot's they currently race on can still continue to use them and be competitive.
    I have noticed a benefit of good more forgiving wear, and consistant performance from racing on slicks, and feel like it more than justifies the extra $10 per rear tire! This will not change the cost to compete for any racers in my opinion.
    Summary: We can all run the same tires that we prefer in any, and all classes that we choose!

    Current Rule~
    G. Only DOT approved tires or non-DOT full rain tires may be used. The original
    molded tread pattern cannot be modified. Non-DOT slicks and non-DOT
    intermediate tires are not allowed.
    a. Manufacturers must make tires available in minimum quantities as follows:
    1) Front tires - 100
    2) Rear tires - 200
    b. Construction and compound number will identify approved tires.
    c. Manufacturer must verify that the tire is available for purchase by any
    competitor through normal dealer/distributor channels in quantities no less
    than stated above.
    d. Tire manufacturers who try to circumvent these requirements may have their
    eligibility revoked.
    e. Any competitor found to be using a tire not meeting the above requirements or
    which differs in any way from an approved model may be penalized according
    to Section 13.

    Propossed Change~
    G. Only DOT approved tires or non-DOT Slicks, full rain tires, intermediate rain tires may be used. The original
    molded tread pattern cannot be modified.
    a. Manufacturers must make tires available in minimum quantities as follows:
    1) Front tires - 100
    2) Rear tires - 200
    b. Construction and compound number will identify approved tires.
    c. Manufacturer must verify that the tire is available for purchase by any
    competitor through normal dealer/distributor channels in quantities no less
    than stated above.
    d. Tire manufacturers who try to circumvent these requirements may have their
    eligibility revoked.
    e. Any competitor found to be using a tire not meeting the above requirements or
    which differs in any way from an approved model may be penalized according
    to Section 13.
    Unfortunately, your suggestion is beyond the deadline.
    Casey D

  14. #39
    Senior Member Expert
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Silverthorne, CO
    Sorry Rybo. Looks like spiney echidnas will be banned from the paddock for one more year. We will have to get back from Miller, and on the forum a little faster next year.
    Dennis Stowers MRA #151
    2021-2023 MRA BoD Rider Representative - Rulebook
    Absolute Moto-Michelin
    Speedin' Motorsports

  15. #40
    Jim 'smooth' Brewer
    Quote Originally Posted by rybo
    The Spiny Echidna is a generally docile creature that deploys it's spines in defense from attack only. Furthermore they are non-indigenous and highly unlikely to be kept as a pet by an MRA member. The badger, especially the honey badger, on the other hand, is an aggressive ill behaving creature that is prone to indiscretion at any time.

    Team Spiny Echidna raced the 4-hour endurance this year in an effort to raise awareness regarding the unjust exclusion of this friendly mammal from our ranks.
    I am going to make the biggest effort I can to attend the rule change meeting for no other reason than to combat this unfair discriminatory practice. Scott, Brian Lehfeldt, and I sacrificed our time, money, and dignity during the 4-hour on behalf of the spiny echidna - we won't go down without a fight!

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