The Top Ten Cornermarshals for the 2006 Season are:

Drum Roll Please................................

1. Bob Heaton - 18
2. Kip Book - 18
3. Jeff Hayes - 16
4. Tawny Amati - 16
5. Matt Amati - 16
6. Michelle Moore - 16
7. Rich Daniels - 14
8. Curtis Elmore - 14
9. Lincoln Todd - 11
10. Steve McMath - 11

And a special award to =D> Vince Para 8) for attending all 18 as our faithfull Equipment Manager!

This is the crew that worked the most races. The number after the name is the number or days that were worked out of a possible 18.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for making the trip to and from some very far away tracks. To me, the crew on this list is the reason we all have so much fun at the races. I look forward to working with all of you next year!

I'd also like to thank the rest of the crew that made it to the races this year. We all know that work and time are factors for a lot of us and sometimes our lives take priority over fun. See you next year!

Kip 8)