I took some photos of Saturday's NGTU race from T1, as well as a handful of one of the novice practices. The quality of the photos is not great...at all -- they were taken with a small point-'n-shoot, but they're free, you can see your line, and a few of them may look good enough to put on facebook or something (at a low resolution). I didn't filter out any photos with bad focus or partial obstructions -- I figured that if the purpose is to see your line, blurry or partially obstructed shots may still have some value.

I went out mainly to shoot a couple of my friends (829 and 916), but I have a handful of shots of other racers as well. The following are the racers that are clearly seen in some of the shots (number of photos in parentheses):

829 (44 )
916 (28 )
599 (8 )
646 (7)
151 (6)
170 (6)
123 (5)
173 (3)
911 (3)
639 (2)

The quality ranges from this:

and this:

...to this: ops:

Not too shabby for a cheap pocket camera, I guess, but nothing stellar. Still, hopefully a few of you enjoy them.

Here is the gallery: http://www.flickr.com/photos/coloradan/with/5701572032/

And here you can search by rider number (tag): http://www.flickr.com/photos/coloradan/tags/

To download an image that is open in the main browser pane, right click it, select the Large size for viewing, and you should get a download link. I chose the least restrictive of the available licenses -- a wide open attribution-only Creative Commons license. You may do anything with these images that you please, and I don't really care about the attribution.

If you'd like the images in a higher resolution than available on Flickr, you can download them from Picasa here: https://picasaweb.google.com/colorad...eat=directlink