Not exactly... :lol:

Here's the deal. As of this moment, the FRIDAY NIGHT CLASSROOM will be on Friday, April 8th 2011.

The track session will be your choice of either a Saturday OR Sunday.

Here's where it's tricky...

Depending on weather, we'll do the track session EITHER that weekend (April 9th & 10th) or the FOLLOWING weekend (April 16th & 17th). We'll make the decison on Friday the 8th at the classroom. So be prepared to run on the 9th or 10th - with the 16/17 as a backup.

IF another club wants to rent one or the other of those weekends, then we'll have to commit to one or the other. If that happens, we'll get the word out.

Sorry it's such a cluster, but we've had pretty lousy weather on at least one of the track session days for the last couple years. We're hoping that by doing it this way everyone gets the best weather and best experience possible...