Instead of editing my post, I will simply add a new one:

The initial post that started this thread has been edited since it was initially posted. Initially the post read to me (and others) as an advertisement, complete with contact information and a call to action. My response was a candid plea to everyone.

No one is being singled out, and I do not need to "chill out". I honestly do not care who posted what; if it is an advertisement, I will call it out as one, even if it is an MRA Board member. I have nothing to gain nor lose with this simple request not to post slick attempts at advertising in the General area.

The reason for this is very simple: I do not and you do not want to wade through sales pitches while browsing the general area of the forum.

We have an area dedicated to the vendors that support the MRA where they can post whatever they like free of charge, and this is done to provide a way for vendors to reach out to our racing community no matter what budget they have.

I understand everyone enjoys a good old fashioned controversy, but really there is none here. All vendors that support the MRA are heros in my book, and Oscar and Dunlop are no different.