Casey's drafting the final version. Basically what we've talked about is the following WILL be allowed. If it isn't listed, it isn't allowed:

Hand Controls (levers, NOT Master Cylinders)
Foot Controls (NO Quick Shifters)
Ride height adjustment in rear
Preload adjustment in front
Brake Lines

Pre '08 MAY replace wheels with wheels from Post '08's - OR may swap out EX500 Front End and wheels. EX500 Rear shock may also be used instead of stock on Pre '08's as well.

With the exception of the stock kickstand mount (which you MAY cut off due to ground clearance issues), all other metal removal must be at traditional mounting points (ie: you can not hack off the subframe with a saw...).

Wiring removal must be at stock connectors.

Charging system must work.

Street Legal - Gas Station Style PUMP Gas ONLY!

Stock Airbox WITH snorkel attached and functional.

Casey will see this no doubt, and can finalize the details for ya.

On a positive note, looks like there are already at least 15 of these bikes built, or being built, for 2011!