This is Chris's suggestion from the main 2011 Rule Change Thread

His post copied below:


7.2 A. Race Of the Rockies GTO (ROR GTO) points will accrue toward top ten number plates, for the following season. Accrued points in Race Of the Rockies GTO are the only way a top ten number plate may be earned.


7.2 A. Points will accrue in all sprint and endurance classes towards a Clubman Championship for every rider. The Top ten number plates (1-10) for the following season will be awarded to the ten highest scoring riders in order of rank regardless of novice or expert. The Clubman Championship is the only way a top ten number plate may be earned. Competitors in the Sportsman class are excluded due to a non-championship status.

Economic Benefit:

- I believe this plan encourages riders to sign up for more classes as everyone has a shot at the number one plate. If this plan were in place last year, a novice would be in the top ten right now. The number of active members in this club continues to decline. Futhermore, race registrations are generating less revenue for the club per rider now than when we were screaming bankrupcy! Last year our Board of Director's estimated we were generating $200 per rider; now it is as low as $178. That's between $17,600 - $22,800 less this year than last based on 100-130 riders in only 8 races.

Harder Working Riders:

- Historically only 50% of the riders earning top ten plates would utilize the privelige of running them. Therefore, it is a wasted honor to restrict these numbers to the top ten in Race of Rockies GTO. Currently the grids are still small enough in this class that only the top ten riders in the series have actually scored points at all five rounds to date. Without completing a single lap in the 2010 season, a rider at this point would be sitting in 12th place in the ROR-O championship and would have collected a payout check at every round. So do we want to award a top ten plate to a rider that has done little more than show up on the right grid each weekend, or do we want to show the honor and reward those who are generating more revenue for the club throughout an entire season by working hard at entering as many races as they possible can?

The Big Downfall:

- The only downfall I see in this plan is that Otis will actually have to pick an permanent expert number unless he starts showing up with more bikes.

Even knowing I'd be in the running for a top 10 plate this year based on accrued Clubman points, I've always thought this was a lame way to award top 10 plates. I prefer my top 10 plates to go to the fastest consistent finishers in the fastest meanest class. If it makes you feel better Chris, I PROMISE I'll run my plate if/when I ever earn one.