The payout is directly tied to participation now - and we do pay to 20th position in 2010 even though we rarely get more than 15 on the grid.

The more people who race in it, the bigger the payout. If you guys could consistently get 20-25 guys racing in the classes, the payout would be nearly the same as it was before... 30 on each grid and BOTH payouts are bigger than they were before!

Sucker a bunch of people who you know you can beat in to running it and you can bump the payout significantly. :lol:

Before, ALL club members donated a portion of their entry fees to the ROR purses - whether they wanted to or not.

Now, ONLY those club members who CHOOSE to donate a portion of their entry fees to the ROR purse (by participating in ROR) are doing so.

Part of the new direction of the MRA is to do a better job of putting on a program which benefits the majority rather than the minority. More than 80% of our members don't participate in ROR, why should they bear the burden of the purse?