Quote Originally Posted by peteyt328
I think what a lot of you don't understand is that money is the root of most decisions. I know a lot of racers either have really good jobs or really good sponsors but for those of us who have to pay for our own tires and race fees.. thats $650 right there. So, to many people $800 is a lot to go race a track with no RV hookups and more weeds growing out of it than my back yard, especially when we have been blessed with a track as nice as HPR. Unfortunately, many of us have suffered from the poor economy over the last year and the money saved from skipping a race can go a long way in "non-race" land. Point being, if money was not a factor for anyone, I am guessing the turnout would be better for Pueblo.

I'm not trying to rustle anyone's feathers, I'm just trying to explain to those of you who think the people backing out don't like riding enough or don't care about our club. I wouldn't be going regardless of where this race was because I simply can't spend that much money right now.
Pete we totally understand the money issue as we lose most of our racers to money or injury, but what you just said was that you will spend your money at HPR and not PMI because it is a worse track and you are correct in that regard but worse or not having multiple tracks is something most clubs do not have and we won't if people don't go to PMI or Pikes. If I only rode on world class tracks I would be at Miller or Laguna or Barber hell the list goes on but they are not our tracks but HPR PMI and Pikes are ours and I want to keep them all.
I guess it's different for us oldtimers but when I stated we had Mountan View, Second Creek in two directions, Stapleton, Pueblo, Pikes, Steamboat and it has been sad to see them all go the way of the Dodo. We still have Pueblo and Pikes and I want to keep them so please continue to support them.