I am looking for anyone interested in weeding through and cleaning up various HTML files that contain all of the legacy 1995-2000 MRA web pages.

I am starting a new section at http://history.mra-racing.org to house all previous years results and etc, and with the work on my plate right now I fear I will not get to this any time soon.

The work will entail simple HTML links and such, but I have no idea what is missing or what exactly is in the directory structure anymore. Think of it as an archeological dig!

I can ZIP up the whole #!/bin/sh-shabang for whomever interested to help.

I envision this to mostly be cleanup of what "used to be there", but it doesn't have to be. Creativity a plus here...What is the navigation to transcend years? How to return to the main MRA site? These things need to figured out.

This will all be static HTML/CSS/etc and NO WYSIWYG HTML please (it is all garbage outside GoLive or DreamWeaver, and even then it is still bloat).

Feel free to rewrite whatever you want (in a standards compliant method, or at least as standards compliant as IE7 is. No IE6 support really required anymore), but this will all be static content. Feel free to use all of the Javacript you want.

Email me at dave@motosix DOT com or webmaster@mra-racing DOT org with a bit of an overview of your coding history as well as your interest level in this project. Since this is something that preserves MRA History, I may be able to work in some novice work hours for this project if it proves to be good enough to be used for history preservation.
