I'll take a step back from my sarcasm and be serious for a minute to benefit the people out there that don't know me:

I have preached this for far too many years: in my humble opinion, a class that limits the financial exposure may actually benefit a club racing environment. I know we all like to believe spending more and more $ is the secret to being competitive (trust me, I have had some expensive motorcycles!). While some may have proven that to be true, it is not the secret to having fun and actually being able to continue to do this sport year after year decade after decade. Most of us do not have the talent of Clarkie or Shane, but it doesn't mean spending $5000 on a supersport motor will somehow provide us the zen moment when that $5 plastic trophy is put in your hands. So, in my humble opinion, having the most amount of fun for each dollar spent should at least be an obvious alternative to chasing racing glory into the financial poorhouse.

With this said, I am not sure the 250 is the best choice. Anything that limits the financial outlay while providing a an environment that is reasonably level and entertaining really is the end goal. Just the fact that there is enough discussion around this topic means finances are on the minds of many.

So, it could be a 1999-2002 R6 Cup. Those are cheap and parts are everywhere.

Or, an EX250 or even 500 cup.

Or, (in my humble opinion), the best one of the bunch would be a SV650 cup. Ask Applehans what a BONE STOCK SV650 with bodywork can do, even on stock suspension.

Who cares which one is chosen really - most of us will race tricycles if there are enough people to race against. Just do Supersport rules on the engines to keep you nutjobs from overboring the piss out of it, and make the rest unlimited origins to allow most anyone to play.

The real gig here is to get enough people interested in these types of ideas. The CB160s even have a following...This is not a new idea, and I absolutely loved racing SVs with WERA in years past.

OK - back to my normal level of sarcasm and the MRA-normality where $45,000 motorcycles compete for $5 trophies....