Come meet the candidates for your 2010 Board of directors this Sunday, Nov 8th. at the Walnut Room from 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Many of the candidates for the 2010 board would like you to get to know them better before casting your vote on Nov. 11 at the general meeting. Please come join us at the Walnut room on Sunday. Ask us some questions, get to know us better and make a more informed decision regarding who you want to run your club in 2010.

All candidates are invited to attend and all have been contacted about this event. The following folks have RSVP'd and will be attending! ( I will add to this list as I hear back from other candidates)

Bart McKiernan (VP Rules and Tech)
Ben Fox (VP Rules and Tech)
Casey Dragos (Rider Rep, Rulebook)
Donna Turner (Rider Rep, PR or Trophies)
Jason Curdy (Rider Rep, Rulebook)
Jeff Brown (Rider Rep, PR or Trophies)
Jeff Winter (Rider Rep, Rulebook or PR)
Jen Grosse (Secretary)
Jim Wilson (Rider Rep, Press/Contingency or PR)
Mark Schellinger (New Rider Director)
Mike Applehans (Rider Rep Press/Contingency or Trophies)
Ricky Orlando (New Rider Director)
Ryan Burke(President)
Shannon Moham (Rider Rep, Rulebook)
Scott Rybarik (President)
Tim Young (Track Marshall)
Tony Baker (President)
Wyeth Jackson (Rider Rep Press/Contingency or Trophies)

The structure for this event is fairly informal, with the idea being that you as a club member can ask questions directly of your board candidates to help you better make your decision a few days later. Some appetizers, pizza and soft drinks will be provided.

Please feel free to post up here or PM me if you plan on attending!
