I would like to propose qualifying for the RORU and RORO classes. I believe we could fit in one qualifying session per class during Sunday morning practice. Since there is not anything in the rulebook about this I was curious about what all I need to post.

Currently Utah SBA have qualifying for their premier class King of the Mountain and they have the session right after normal Sunday morning practice and just prior to racing.

The purpose of this rule would be to entice more interest into our premier class, increase grid sizes, allow people who are low in points (missed a round, mechanical, never raced ROR before, etc) to start where they are placed based on times. I think this might help us grow the premier class, instead of cutting payouts or combining grids.

Jim, if you need me to write up a specific rule please let me know. I'm sure there will need to be some tweaking done to even have this as a possibility.

Opinion? Pros? Cons?