Hello one and all,

This thread is where we will track all the nominations for the 2010 board. Nominations opened at last nights General Meeting and will close at the October 14th General Meeting. Shortly afterwards, the ballots will be mailed to the members and then will be collected and counted at the Annual Meeting on November 11th. In this thread I will track all the nominations and who has accepted/declined.

Here's a new twist on things - we are designating duties for each of the rider rep positions and the nominees will have to specify which position(s) (no more than 2) they would like to be considered for. As Tony has so eloquently written, the four duties are:

Rulebook - responsible for knowing rulebook inside and out, compiling new rule suggestions, coordinating and conducting rulebook committee meeting, and then presenting committee recommendations to the Board. Also requires making edits, corrections, etc... to rulebook as necessary, and then preparing rulebook text for the publishing company as per their guidelines. The majority of the work in this position occurs "off season". It has also included raceday announcing for the past several years, but this is not necessarily a requirement.

Trophy - responsible for contacting existing and prospective trophy sponsors to ensure classes are sponsored for race season. Must negotiate sponsorships, giving first right of refusal to returning class sponsors. Prepares and delivers invoices to trophy sponsors, and provides ongoing contact with trophy sponsors as necessary. Also responsible for contracting, ordering, and delivering trophies to MRA events and banquet. The workload for this position is fairly evenly spread throughout the calendar year.

PR Committee Chair - responsible for heading up and coordinating local/regional PR events with members and volunteers. Orders flyers, staff's events (bike nights, dealership open houses, etc...), posts on other club sites, communicates with Board regarding marketing expenditures, etc... This is NOT a one-man-band position. It requires someone who can coordinate and motivate members to attend various functions and keep tabs on ALL PR events to be sure the MRA is properly represented. This position requires attention and effort throughout the calendar year.

Press / Contingency - responsible for sending out results press releases immediately following the race weekend, primarily to Roadracing World and other race oriented magazines/websites. Updates and maintains the MRA Hotline, collects the mail from the Post Office, and cross-posts relevant information to other club sites as necessary. This position also assists the Vice President with contingency duties including contacting current and prospective contingency sponsors to ensure continued support in next season, phone and e-mail work to confirm forms, payouts, etc..., and assists in timely filing of contingency forms throughout the season. The workload for this position is year-round, but the heaviest load is immediately preceding, and during the race season.

  • - You must be a current member in order to nominate someone.
    - You can nominate a non-member, but the nominee must become a member before accepting the nomination and being put on the ballot.
    - You MUST accept the nomination in order to be put on the ballot, if you do not accept, you will not be on the ballot.
    - If you are nominated for multiple positions (besides the multiple Rider Representative designations) you may only accept ONE.
    - You can nominate and accept/decline in the following ways:
    [list:a4561c71a8]- A post in this thread (HIGHLY preferred)
    - Via email to me at MRARacer157 at yahoo
    - Via PM on this board
    - Via phone to me

Here are the current nominees:
(alphabetical order)

Tony Baker** - accept
Ryan Burke - accept
Glenn Conser - decline
Chris Coonshead - accept
Scott Rybarik - accept

Jen Grosse - accept
Kristina Meyers - decline
Kate Tinworth - accept

VP of Rules and Tech
Ben Fox - accept
Ray Gaimara - decline
Bart McKiernan - accept

Track Marshal
Kip Book - decline
Nick Gibson - decline
Kyle Isker - decline
Tim Young - accept

New Rider Director
Jeff Brown - decline
Ricky Orlando - accept
Mark Schellinger - accept

Rider Representative
Mike Applehans - accept (Press/Contingency and Trophy)
Jim Brewer - decline
Jeff Brown - accept (Trophies and PR Committee)
Jason Curdy - accept (Rulebook)
Casey Dragos - accept (Rulebook)
Chris Fuller - accept (Rulebook and Trophies)
Wyeth Jackson - accept (Trophy and Press/Contingency)
Shannon Moham - accept (Rulebook)
Donna Turner - accept (Trophy and PR Committee)
Jim Wilson - accept (PR Committee and Press/Contingency)
Jeff Winter - accept (Rulebook and PR Committee)

**As Tony is the sitting Vice President it should be noted that if Tony accepts the nomination and is elected President the first remedy for filling the Vice President position (per our Bylaws and the Colorado Non-Profit Corporation Act) would be for the new board to appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term, which is the 2010 season.