Quote Originally Posted by T Baggins
I guess I'm not envisioning a first weekend novice signing up for MWSB... but who knows - maybe they wouldn't know better?
I think you're underestimating the turn out if these classes are created. Remember, under this proposal novices are not actually racing the experts. They're racing each other in a separately scored division, just like the MVGTU/LOR 2 wave grid. So regardless of how many times a novice gets lapped by Dalton, he can still get a top finish in his own separate class, with more trophies and another championship. If I was a novice I would find this appealing.

I anticipate a lot of people signing up for MWSB, as well as all the other SS and SB classes. If I really thought my fellow GTO novices would be "too scared" to enter OSB with the super fast guys, why wouldn't I sign up on my 600 and collect my 1st place novice OSB trophy by myself? To give our novices credit, I don't think they'll be scared I think they'll all enter!

I'm not completely against this idea, but I want to understand how this will work if it's implemented. What's the point of our novice and amateur championships if we create all these new classes? If we're going to have a Novice MWSB Championship, is it fair to exclude some novices from competing from the get-go if they don't meet a laptime cutoff? That doesn't seem right. We currently have giant novice grids, how will everyone be assimilated?