Well put guys. To piggy back on what Crash, Ben, and others have posted, I was one who was concerned that my ex-commuter bike was not going to fair well this season. I entered the season on a shoe string budget so I was approaching this year to just gain experience and have FUN. All inquiring racers take heed of the advice from other novices & seasoned experts. You DO NOT need the latest and greatest of go fast parts on your bike to be competitive. I ran take offs up until the last round in Pueblo. Granted I’m not the fastest guy out there, but I’m learning how to control the slides (take offs ) and having a blast chasing the guys and girl ahead of me. If you love the sport and the rush it provides, than by all means run take offs and push your existing bike to the limits before worrying about SS or SB builds and race fuels.

2nd wave, who cares. If you’re confident on your bike, make up 3 or 4 rows on the start and get up there. By the next round who knows, you might just make the first wave. If you are on the fence about it, come out! You’ll be glad you did. And for next season, at Christmas, ask for a set of tires. :wink: Ok, back to your regular scheduled program.
