Quote Originally Posted by PremiumBlend
Quote Originally Posted by Vanmar Racing
Just talked to Jim wilson and he is having 1000 MRA flyers printed today and some 2 for 1 coupons.

We should have them for tonights meeting and will give them to members to pass out.

Thanks to Joe Logalbo for helping pay for these!
Tammy, hold the phone if you can on the printing... if the stunt show is a go can we add their logo to the flyer for the 25th?
There will be another flyer printed for the 22nd Bike Night which will be SPECIFIC to that weekend and the festivities. We're running out of time and tonight is the best time to get flyers in the hands of our members.

Preemie - I need you to call me about the stunt thing please 303-333-4411 x311