MRA members, we hope you will join your Utah comrades in some trackdays over here in addition to your July 8-9 race dates. (I know a bunch of us here in Utah plan to race with the MRA when you come to MMP.) We have the first MMP date, Saturday (April 1), on the West subtrack, a Memorial Day date (May 29) on the East subrack, and the full track on the day after the big AMA weekend, June 19. The Apex schedule is as follows:

Jan 14-15 SMMR, Pahrump (Sat-Sun) $185 per day
Feb 11-12 SMMR, Pahrump (Sat-Sun) $185 per day
April 1 MMP (Sat) (first 2006 trackday at MMP) $195
May 6-7 RFR (Sat-Sun) $145 per day
May 29 MMP (Memorial Day) $195
June 19 MMP (Monday after AMA, FULL TRACK!) $235
July 24 MMP (Pioneer Day) $195
August 5-6 RFR (Sat-Sun) $145 per day
September 4 (Labor Day, FULL TRACK) $235

Do you know which subtrack you will be racing on yet? Or did the MRA go all out and spend the big $$$ for the full track? In any event, we should have some good, affordable practice dates before your July 8-8 races. I hope you can come and ride with us.

Please take a minute for the poll.