oh great. ops:

USBA: Utah SportBike Association. www.utahsba.com

Founded by Nick Ienatsch and Mitch Boehm in '84-ish. We used to run races at Bonneville Raceways, before it became unsafe (when Shane as a rookie escalated the speeds...)
Since then, we've been teaching "performance riding schools" in Olympic sized parking lots and for the last 3 years, kart tracks. We've helped produce riders like (to name a few) John Carver, Alex Zinaich, Scott Christensen, Mark Benigni, etc etc etc. Many of us have been racing with y'all for some years now.
NOW we have the new Miller Motorsports Park that is being built in OUR backyard. ( www.millermotorsportspark.com ) And next year we will be starting big, with a 5-race championship series. We've invited all fo you folks to come race with us, show us what y'all can do... :-) And let us host YOU for awhile. Glenn and I are working to be sure that our calendar does not conflict with yours.
So: the question is this: would you rather see the racing happen as a friday afternoon, all day saturday affair, or a saturday afternoon, all day sunday affair? Initially, it was believed that racing on saturday would make it easier for you travelin' folks to get here and play with us, and still be home for work monday. Now we're not sure. Let me know quickly,...
if you have an opinion and would like to come play with us next year.
Dan Solomon