I have a 12 year old set of Pirelli 'DOT Rains' so I dont care if the rule gets changed or not

Seriously though, i have ridden on my DOT rains on a wet track and while they arent anywhere near as good as full rains they are 1000 times better than the current type of DOT race tires. But is it fair that I get to ride on these tire and someone else has to run their DOT race tires? Not really but right now the rule says i can so I will take advantage of the rule (FWIW I have had these tires for 2 years and never gotten the chance to use them in a race)

You can also go and buy a set of normal all weather street tires, these may or may not be better than a DOT race tire, the problem lies in that a couple of manufacturers make 'DOT Rains' and as per the rules you cannot ban them, so if you want 'fair' racing you really need to either open the rules up to allow full rains or just never race in the wet (which i think is a bad thing to do)

Another problem is that some of us have signed tire contracts, I have a 12 year old set o DOT rains because if i went and bought a new set of Avons I would be breaking my contract and that's not something I am prepared to do.

I dont agree with the idea that if everyone is on DOT race tires it is safer than if everyone was on full rains, you can claim the speeds are slower etc etc and on paper it may work out but in reality it doesnt work that way. It's supposed to be a race not a parade, rigth now people just do a couple of laps and pull off to get points or just ride around hoping they wont fall off, sorry but to me that's not a race