Quote Originally Posted by Jim 'smooth' Brewer
As a point of reference, I've raced a few wet races on DOT's and on rains. I don't understand the "safety" argument - rains give more grip than DOTs, but they're both predictable.
Safety by definition is a subjective thing that is based on opinion. Statistics might be used to describe potential for accident, but "level of safety" is generally described by a person as a "feeling", not a fact. (eg: "...something felt safer...")

Overall though, I don't even care if rains are "safer" than DOTs and you guys can argue about that point all you want. I have raced many times in the rain on both, and in my opinion the margin for error is higher on rains. The thing I care most about is getting myself and my bike back home Sunday night in one piece. I mean, this is "club racing" after all and getting hurt sucks no matter what the situation.

I am not sure how rain tires could spoil the sanctity of Supersport racing considering an un-obtanium traction control system or a engine bottom end that will last 3 races is perfectly acceptable (and found on our grids whether you like it or not)

In fact, my next rule suggestion will be what I suggested in '04 - Showroom stock except for tires, ground clearance items, and suspension internals...I am sure it will be "booooed" again this year.