Quote Originally Posted by The GECCO
Ray and I went to explain to Chris why his protest wasn't being upheld. In the course of the conversation is when it was determined that at least part of the reason for the protest was hurt feelings over events that took place last season. If someone protests because they want fair racing, fine. But using the rulebook to single someone out and exact revenge because of past events just doesn't sit right with me. The MOTIVATION behind the protest is what I took personal issue with, not the fact that it had been filed in the first place. But my personal feelings about it didn't factor into the reversal decision for two reasons 1) the decision had already been made, and 2) it wasn't my decision to make, it was Ray's.
The reason for the protest was not about "hurt feelings" and had nothing to do with "revenge". The protest was made in hopes that the particular rider, who had previously (and on more than one occasion) been in violation of the rules, would be punished according to the rulebook, as he should have been. Props to him for actually utilizing the rulebook for once and finding a loophole regarding the way the protest was filed to get him out of a violation. Unfortunately, although many people agree with the position Chris has taken with the issue(s), Chris becomes the bad guy for actually calling someone out instead of shrugging it off and avoiding confrontation.