
My mom took several pictures of everyone on Saturday June 27th at Pueblo. I don't think she took any from that Sunday, cus I wadded it up Saturday and took off back to the mountains with my tail between my legs.

Anyway, she is happy to email you the pictures free of charge.

"As well as Mike I got some nice shots of #s 930, 333 (that's either Sheila or Jennifer I think), 210, 98, 55, 131, 10, 78, 178, 217, 711, 194, 613, 317, 247, 217, 711, 194, 317, 247.

and red bike, silver leathers, silver and red helmet

grey bike, yellow blue black leathers, 'Make A Wish' logo (and thank them for that)."

I just nosed through them that weekend, and Jim, I think she got some of your dogs as well, just shoot her an email.

Just a note, I don't have them so you will have to email her directly.

Her name is Susan- wildolphin6@aol.com

Enjoy and tell her thank you. She loves coming to the track to watch everyone and take pictures.
