The Professional Privateer Team is proud to announce that we have opened our website to every non-paying member. This means you don't need a membership anymore to purchase or browse through the thousands of parts, clothing, and accessories on our site. All non-members will get 20% off, that’s right 20% off, everything on our site. Just enter the word “Discount” at the checkout screen to take advantage of this opportunity. Not only that, but shipping is FREE within the lower 48.

Existing Professional Privateer Members are still eligible for our exclusive member pricing. If you would like to save even more and become a member, visit our sign up page. Memberships are still only $100 with $10 of every membership being donated to the new road racing track being built in Byers, Colorado called High Plains Raceway.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jake at or Derek at


The Professional Privateer Team