Schools are generally laid back. We usually have a corner worker class while the riders are in their class (although the last two years the first school has been snowed on)

As far as time, I'd like the corner staff to be ready by 8am so we can go over flagging, radio etiquette, and so on... We usually don't have to staff the track until after lunch because the riders only use the front strait and the area between T9 and T10 to run drills. After lunch they will use the whole track. This is all subject to change depending on the Rider reps and what they need.

If you plan on working the whole day your looking at 8am to 4pm-ish. If you only plan on covering your 4 hours, then I'd say show up around 11 so we can go over flags and stuff before the track goes hot. We'll need the most staff for the second half of the day. Thanks for asking! 8)