ATTENTION ALL MRA MEMBERS!! You have been challenged by the members of the Colorado Sportbike Club to a fundraising competition!

It is up to you to defend your clubs honor and to make sure those crazy CSC members actually have to pay the gate fees to come and watch you strut your stuff on the track!

So, here's the deal:

- The fundraising challenge goes for two months, from February 1st to April 1st.

- Both clubs start at $0, previous donations don't count

- If the CSC members donate MORE than MRA members, each CSC member who donates at least $50 will receive an MRA punch card that will get them FREE entry to all MRA races for the 2008 season. (WHAT?!?! Let these people in for FREE?!?!)

- If the MRA raises more than the CSC, but the CSC raises at least 50% of the MRA amount, each CSC member who donates at least $50 will receive an MRA punch card that will get them 50% off entry to all MRA races for the 2008 season. (That's a little better, make 'em pay SOMETHING to come see the best show in Colorado...and Nebraska!)

- If the MRA raises more than twice as much as the CSC then those dirty scoundrels don't get squat - and we get to laugh all the way to the bank with THEIR DONATIONS!!!

So, c'mon now! Defend your clubs good name and send in a donation before April 1st so we won't be fools that day! All donations sent to the Phoenix PO box that have the MRA box checked on the donation form (, along with all donations sent via Paypal to MRA_CAMA@YAHOO.COM will count towards the MRA's total for the challenge. If you send your donation via Paypal please include your name, street address and phone number to insure both the MRA and you, personally, get credit for the donation!