June 12th 2024 - General Meeting Minutes
Board Attendees:
- President - Bob Hasenhundl
- Secretary - Deborah Bingham
- Treasurer - Noel Ross
- Race Director - Katie Rayburn
- New Rider Director - Dan Spurlock
- VP Rules & Tech - Dustin Pfeiffer
- Rider Rep - Rulebook - Dennis Stowers
- Rider Rep - PR & Events - Tim Ellis
- Rider Rep - Press & Contingency - Codey Chewning
Estimated Voting Members in Attendance: 16 in person and 8 on Zoom
Location: Nite Owl Sports Bar and Grill and Zoom
Start Time: 8:00 PM MT
End Time: 9:30 PM MT
Club Announcements
- Round 3 was canceled due to low signups and the threat of rain. Round 1 was low, and round 2 was even lower. There have been many contributing factors:
- Round 1 wasn’t the full course, which contributed to people not signing up.
- Round 2 was a 3-day weekend, so members were not available to race.
- The first three rounds occurred within 5 weekends, which didn’t leave enough time for members to recoup financially (or to heal up / make repairs if they crashed).
- The eight round season seemed well-received when discussed with the riders last year, but the schedule the MRA ended up with was imbalanced.
Bob Hasenhundl - President
- Bob is already working on the 2025 schedule, with a goal of no races on holiday (3-day) weekends, with at least 2 weekends between rounds.
- The MRA will most likely be going back to a 7 round schedule, but after getting some feedback at Round 2, we are looking to mix things up a bit so it’s not so repetitive.
- The MRA is investigating the possibility of adding PPIR back into the schedule, and we’re considering putting La Junta on the schedule for a round next season to try and add even more variety to the schedule.
- In response to a question on scheduling at a southern track for Round 1, the club may consider it; however, the dates and availability are as yet unknown.
- Brad Hendry suggested racing June through October. Brad suggested coning off the chicane between 9 and 10, there would be the ability to ride in the rain at Pueblo.
- Dennis noted that currently there doesn’t seem to be a way to race at Pueblo in the rain; however, changes are planned at the track in the future that could allow for the revisiting of this topic in future.
- Bob Halbert asked that the MRA also consider the other clubs racing within Colorado, such as Rocky Mountain Mini-Moto or Colorado SuperMoto.
- The MRA will try where possible to avoid competing these weekends; however, the other clubs typically release their race schedule after the MRA.
- Bob and Colorado SuperMoto are in discussions about a special event. The SuperMoto class is on the chopping block due to low participation.
Blair Harness - Vice President
- Licenses and pit crew passes are available at today’s meeting. During race weekends, the licenses will be held in Registration.
Deborah Bingham - Secretary
- Novices were requested to email a picture of their completed novice hour card to the Secretary.
- For race weekends, Deb and Noel will both be checking in racers at the same location where bikes are tech’ed. On race day mornings, prior to the rider meeting, Deb will remain by Tech and Noel will be in Registration. After the rider meetings occur, both Deb and Noel will both be present in Registration. If you have an issue to resolve during check in, racers should go to Registration to resolve the issue.
- Pre-grids are posted on Friday and Saturday nights, prior to the race day. Final grids are posted the morning of the races. An announcement will be made when final grids are posted. Racers should check their grids and report any issues to Deb ASAP. There has been glitches with the software being utilized and Deb is working to identify issues.
- For results, once they are posted, racers have 30 minutes to protest the results. There have been issues with transponders not being tracked, so racers must check the results to confirm their positions.
- In response to a question regarding extenuating circumstances about not checking results within the 30 minute period, Deb reminded racers to review the RuleBook to confirm the circumstances and process for protesting.
Noel Ross - Treasurer
- For Race School, there was a deficit of $600. For Round 1, there was a loss of ~$6K and Round 2, there’s likely a loss of $5K, and lastly for Round 3, there will likely be a loss of ~$5K. Invoices are awaited for Round 2 and 3, so more exact figures will be available at the next General Meeting.
Dustin Pfeiffer - VP of Rules and Tech
- Racers were reminded to bring their completed Tech sheets to be handed in at tech. The ultimate goal is to have a partnership between the tech staff and the racer.
- Racers were reminded to remove their tech stickers from previous rounds.
Dan Spurlock - New Rider Director
- Tim and Dan are preparing the advertising for Round 5. There are mini schools ongoing for racers that want to license up. Evaluations are available and racers will be paired up with instructors.
Katie Rayburn - Race Director
- For the 4hr endurance race, the day will be extra long for the safety crew. Racers were encouraged to donate snacks for the crew. The snacks can be dropped off in Registration on the Friday night before the 4hr endurance race.
- Any new corner crew workers were welcomed to join the group. If there are not enough corner staff, a shorter course may be considered for the endurance race, likely the west course.
Codey Chewning - Rider Rep - Press & Comms
- There will be another potluck for Round 4, additionally gas or natural wood fire pits are welcomed.
- Racers were encouraged to reach out to other clubs to promote members racing the 4hr endurance race.
Dennis Stowers - Rider Rep - Rulebook
- The board continues to identify sponsorship opportunities.
- For the 4hr endurance race, the rules can be found in Section 15 of the RuleBook.
- In 15.3, Special Endurance Motorcycle Requirements, racers should review the requirements regarding the motorcycles.
- For transponders, especially in the pony express, the transponder is the relay component, racers should review Section 15.5.D.
- Transponders are available for rent from Timing and Scoring.
- Racers were reminded that once the race starts, due to not being able to cross a hot race track, a crashed bike will most likely end your race early. Racers should review the RuleBook
- In response to a question regarding picking up a bike while the track is hot, following last year’s race, Katie was informed that the race control system is not designed to have bikes pickled up during a hot track.
- Racers who crash will be instructed to go to a safe space, where a corner worker will be with water.
- For the Pony Express, mobile assets will be able to collect the transponder so the rest of the team will be able to continue.
- Pit speed limit is 25 mph, racers have a 1 lap penalty for exceeding that.
- Only the designated crossing areas should be used by racers and crew, and there is no sitting on the track wall.
- Fuelers should be wearing cotton type clothing. Members, such as signalers, who go back and forth to the wall are not subject to the cotton requirements; however, it is recommended and closed toe shoes and long pants are required. Bright colored shirts akin to the flag colors should also be avoided.
- There will be a 45 minute lunch break on the day of the 4hr endurance race. There will then be a second riders meeting regarding the 4hr endurance race. All participants for the endurance race must attend the second meeting. All racers, including those attending the 4hr endurance race, must attend the morning meeting.
- There has been a request regarding their eligibility for certain classes.
- There’s currency a rule that allows a single cylinder 4-stroke of unlimited displacement and configuration in MVGTU, AGTU and NGTU. A member has requested that a Kramer 690 single be able to compete in other classes such as NGTO, AGTO and MVGTO. These classes while subject to unlimited displacement are also subject to production motorcycle rules of Section 2 and 3, Supersport and Superbike motorcycles, which are mass produced by a manufacturer intended for street use and not purpose built grand prix chassis or prototype machines.
- The board is seeking permission from the membership to discuss and potentially revise the language around the ability to include any single cylinder bike.
- No objections were received and the board will discuss the potential change.
Tim Ellis - Rider Rep - PR & Events
- The MRA’s attendance at bike nights is ongoing. Tim noted that it is a nice social way to get rid of novice hours and it would also be great to see some experienced racers there too.
- Fay Myers Block Party is coming up, the MRA has been invited to have a pit bike team.
- Tim will post information on social media as it becomes available. The Block Party will occur on Saturday August 3rd.
- There are Superstreet business cards available and attendees can take them to hand out to potential attendees.
- Racers were encouraged to take some of the leftover posters if they know a place they can be displayed.
- At Round 4, there will be massage professionals available for attendees, likely $1 per minute.
- Racers were encouraged to post acknowledging the MRA, the racers individual sponsors and the class sponsor following completion of their races. Tim has had great feedback from class sponsors, who have subsequently shared his posts.
- Seth suggested that the sponsors’ social media handles be provided along with a list of the race sponsors.
- Action: Include reference to sponsor social media handles in itinerary or on MRA website for racers to reference when tagging in MRA posts.
- In person 4hr Novice Credit - Kurt Lautenbach
- Nite Owl Drawing - Scott Jenkins
- Online $25 MSR Credit - Brad Hendry
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