Board Attendees:
● President – Chris Nami
● Vice President - Phil
● Secretary - Brittany
● Treasurer - Tiffany
● VP Rules & Tech - Jared
● New Rider Director - Jeff
● Race Director - Marshal
● Rider Rep - Press & Contingency - Jim B
● Rider Rep - Rulebook - Dennis
● Rider Rep - Trophies & Class Sponsorship - Dallas
● Rider Rep - PR & Events - Josh

Estimated Voting Members in Attendance: 30 in person – 17 Zoom
Location: Nite Owl and Zoom
Start Time: 7:30pm
End Time:

Important Announcements:

Status Updates:
- Rough round with Red Flags from the round 6 but I think the track and everyone involved did a great job at dealing with efficiency and confidence. It went as well as it could. As far as the riders Jeremy Ross is doing a lot better after surgery on his leg. Alexander Lane is doing good after hurting his arms and is excited to come back to the MRA. Jeremiah Walker was banged up but doing ok. Casey Smith gave a statement that the family would like things to be private and confidential. They would not like to be contacted at this point and will let the club or Chris Nami know when they are ready to talk. Fingers crossed and please continue to pray for Casey and the family.
- This was a very sobering weekend for me being my first weekend with these types of accidents and I appreciate everyone’s support.
- Asked by a few members about Glenn being involved with the riders in their accidents or if Glenn was overstepping his duties. Glenns responses at HPR has nothing to do with the MRA. However, Glenn Consor is the most qualified person when it comes to first responses at the track. Please be confident in knowing that in those kinds of situations Glenn should absolutely be one of the guys that is there first and helping out. Glenn is well trained and very qualified. The Helicopter crew, the ambulance crew and all responders were on point and did an excellent job. In the future when we have an incident please be respectful and stay clear of the incident and keep from creating more chaos. The less people on scene the better.
- I represent the club as the president and made it fully aware that I am always open to conversations, thoughts, complaints anything that you may need both at the track and off the track.
- Campaigning: It has now been brought to me that since Saturday I have had 4 verbal and 2 messages that the campaigning has not stopped. It is not ok with the members and is not ok with me. Campaigning is personally a little infuriating to me. I have talked with these individuals several time. It still continues to happen. Bottom line is that we feel this is hurting the club. If you have any issues come talk to me.
- Still working on the next season race schedule should be ready next week.
- We have reserved a space for the banquet.
- Working on corner appreciation and BBQ

- Results for round 6 submitted to contingency
- Registration opens Friday at 7pm
- AMA Sanctioning up at end of year will do a survey in the future.
- General Election Nominations open up tonight.
- Nominations will close at the next General Meeting.
- If you are nominating someone you will need to send the nomination to any board member. Information will be sent out about
- President
- Secretary
- VP Rules of Tech
- Race Director
- Rider Rep
- Vice President (Phil is stepping down) will hold special election for this position.
- If you are considering being on the board it would be good to contact that board member for info about
- Superstreet riders that have done 2 rounds will have

-bad news: PNL: 2,230
- Round 6 - $6,500 Loss
- Slight increase from round 5 to round 6. But we are still not at the sign ups we would need.
- Make sure you bring you tech check list with you to Tech it helps with the process.
- Feel as though there has been a huge improvement and I appreciate doing things that I ask of them such as clean their bike etc…

- Been licensing people up throughout the year and its great!
- Even though season is coming to an end it’s encouraging to see people wanting to sign up for Super Street even at the last round of the season.

- Jeremy Alexander is now the MRA Chaplin. Sunday services are at 6:30am
- Jim likes to get the “What you need to know” Email out the Wednesday before the weekend if there is anything you would like to add please let me know!
o Jim, Please add the radio station
- Tech Check list is working great when it is utilized. So we will keep using that in the future.
- Have gotten a few positive and encouraging words about the club and that things are improving.


- BBQ – Corner Worker appreciation
o CW wish list will be coming out keep a look out for that.
o Side Dishes
o Deserts and Soda’s

Member Questions:
- Comment from Navid Poran about people in the wrong grid spot can we please talk about this with Start Finish because I have had a few times where I get sent to the back or they start the race before I am ready.
- Can we add in what radio station into the need to know post please!
- Can MRA and Legion work together? Please let Coop know that Chris Nami is willing to sit down and have a conversation with him about moving forward in the future.
- Can we come up with an incentive type membership like race your butt off for the season? We are actually working on something right now and it is in talks.

Chris Nami for President – Accepted
Dakota Bell for Race Director