Rule Addition: Registration Payment Processing Fee

New Rule:
I propose an addition to Section 11.2 - Registration fees that are not paid through MotorsportReg will be assessed an additional $25 MRA processing fee in addition to any other fee(s). Registrations that are not paid through MotorsportReg will be considered a late registration entry (see Section 11.2.B). Payment methods made outside of MotorsportReg can be made at the discretion of the MRA Treasurer. No exceptions will be made.

We switched our system over to MotorsportReg in 2021 and one of the big reasons was to help reduce the administrative workload on the board. In order to allow racers to pay with another means (ex. cash) outside of MotorsportReg it creates additional administrative work for the board both on and off race weekends. This rule addition would allow racers to pay for entry fees with other means (other than through MotorsportReg) but would incentivize them to sign up and pay with MotorsportReg.