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Thread: June 6/7 2020 MRA season opener at PPIR rnd 2 signups FULL!!!

  1. #1
    Senior Member Amateur
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    June 6/7 2020 MRA season opener at PPIR rnd 2 signups FULL!!!

    Hi fellow corner workers and all interested parties. Our opening round is literally next weekend June 6/7 at PPIR. Please review the corner worker packet from 2019 which is in this forum and download it. Its important to have it filled out and brought with you for your first sign up to work with the MRA. The corner worker handbook is also in this forum and required for all corner workers to read and be familiar with. We are fully staffed. WE ARE FULLY STAFFED!!!


    Race Director: Rick Grosse

    Start/Fin: Terri Thompson/Athena Grosse

    Mobile: Chase Sperry

    Pregrid: Heather Colton

    Crash cart: Dakota Bell

    Head Corner Marshal: Damir Gonzales/trainee

    Donald Watts
    Blake Waterman
    Weston Zavadil
    Ted Peaks
    Starla Craig
    Elvis Mahafey
    Brooke Danielson
    Marshal Poet
    Chris Coleman
    Allen Wilkerson
    Scott Luckiesh

    Friday track day:
    Blake Waterman
    Chris Coleman
    Donald Watts
    Elvis Mahafey
    Allen Wilkerson
    Westin Zavadil
    Last edited by Razr20; June 4th, 2020 at 09:30 PM.
    RAZR RICK #20

  2. #2
    Senior Member Amateur
    Join Date
    May 2012
    St Petersburg, FL
    I'm sure this forum gets a good amount of lurkers although no posting and given I am no longer in social media, figured it'd be fitting to post this here.

    Good weekend of racing everyone and thanks to our corner crew for an awesome weekend staying cool/collected even though the hurdles we faced on Saturday. Want to go ahead and give huge acknowledgement to Brett Leveque for bringing us a battery powered blower on Sunday after our gas ones went kaput. This made airing the fences an efficient process to keep the race day going in the right direction. Thanks to John Simms for going to get the repeater for us from PMP. Also thanks to the PPIR staff for allowing us to use their radios and equipment to air the fences. See you all at the 4 hour endurance *cheers*
    "We all take risks every day. Us who ride, know that. We calculate our risk with our reward and then strap on our gear and throw a leg over our trusty steeds. We know that it can end at any time. But we don't let that stop us from living our lives and doing that which we love."

    Damir G

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