Hi fellow corner workers and all interested parties. Our opening round is literally next weekend June 6/7 at PPIR. Please review the corner worker packet from 2019 which is in this forum and download it. Its important to have it filled out and brought with you for your first sign up to work with the MRA. The corner worker handbook is also in this forum and required for all corner workers to read and be familiar with. We are fully staffed. WE ARE FULLY STAFFED!!!
Race Director: Rick Grosse
Start/Fin: Terri Thompson/Athena Grosse
Mobile: Chase Sperry
Pregrid: Heather Colton
Crash cart: Dakota Bell
Head Corner Marshal: Damir Gonzales/trainee
Donald Watts
Blake Waterman
Weston Zavadil
Ted Peaks
Starla Craig
Elvis Mahafey
Brooke Danielson
Marshal Poet
Chris Coleman
Allen Wilkerson
Scott Luckiesh
Friday track day:
Blake Waterman
Chris Coleman
Donald Watts
Elvis Mahafey
Allen Wilkerson
Westin Zavadil