Honest Q - what's the intent of the rule proposal vs. the intent of the class?

I thought the intent of the class was to provide a class for those of us distinguished** types to wander around the track in a gentlemanly/gentlewomanly fashion without young/fast hotshots making us look bad in front of our better halves/families.

I jest a wee bit - but if I recall it was originally framed as an Amateur Class - i.e. no ROR participants. Then ROR grids shrank suddenly when the older, non podium contenders figured out they could battle for a trophy in F40 instead of for 8th or 10th or 15th in ROR - so the current rule was put in place as a compromise to allow slower ROR folks to fill both grids.

In that sense I like the current rule structure - as it limits the top end a bit and is thus less intimidating for the most distinguished** riders among us. Sure it has loopholes as shown this year (assuming my memory of the intent is correct). Feels to me that making it an ROR warm up might discourage participation rather than attract it, no? I mean other than Tabor the ROR top 10 looks... um... very experienced***. :shock:

I guess I'm unclear on the intent of opening it up to all ROR racers?

I can understand the GTU/GTO argument - and if that brings more trophies and another trophy sponsor that seems ok.

I like keeping it a GP class... I have a dream of building a bike someday that would need a GP class. :twisted:


** distinguished = old & slow
*** experienced = old & fast