Mr Excited but New Racer -

We apologize you are not able to log in immediately.

Adding extra exclamation points on your emails (every 2 hours today) will not, in fact, hurry the process up. When I am able to get to a machine that has a proper keyboard, I will attempt to solve this problem for you.

Until then, please keep the following in mind:

The MRA is a member-comprised volunteer organization with no full time employees. That means people like Tony or Glenn or Mark, and yes, even myself, have real daytime jobs that from time to time require our attention.

Yes, there is some monetary compensation for our MRA Board Members (which I am not), but with the current economy many times it doesn't pay for the diesel fuel for them to get to the track.

Yet, people like Mark Schellinger (your MRA New Rider Director) continue to educate and serve the MRA year after year. In fact, he was my Race School Instructor some 11 years ago. He is still at it not because he makes any $ doing so.

So, we appreciate your enthusiasm.

But remember, we are volunteering time away from families, work, and life to give everyone a better environment in which to turn very expensive works of art into worthless piles of aluminum and titanium.

Don't ruin it for people dedicated to this club by letting your enthusiasm get in the way of your manners.

From Frank Paradise III <>
date Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:24 PM
subject Sign up help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

Hey is there away to get this fixed? I want to race this weekend and need to sign up right away. The long it takes the further I will be in the back.

Frank Paradise

Later on this evening when I get home from work, I will again look into this problem.


(Dave Gallant, MRA Webmaster, MRA #31)