My thoughts are this, we are racing and we are on racing tires and any tire can be DOT all that needs be done is for the manufacturer to fill out a form to make it DOT, racing DOTs are for sale to the general public but are priced to try to keep them off of them as they are not really good street tires and are meant to be on the racetrack only but because of the rules of supersport they have to be made avalable to everyone. Seems silly to me, most of the people who watch SS prolly understand that while the guys on TV maybe on Dunlops or Bridgestones they are not on the same tires they ride on the street with so would anybody watching really care if it was slicks instead of DOTs, do we need the illusion street legal, I would say no we don't.
Also would tires be cheaper if tire MFGs only had to develop slicks and rains and trackside vendors could carry a smaller inventory cause everyone would be on more or less the same tire.
Anywho thats my thoughts Bartman