For what it is worth, I hope with all of my heart that you stay.
I think that you do a superb job as HCM, and doubt that anyone could do you any justice trying to fill those enormous flippers you call shoes... Both figuratively and literally!

I also would miss you as a friend immensely. I understand that you have to do what is best for you and your family, however... out of selfish reasons alone, I hope you get a great promotion here!

Ralph, thanks for your input! That is not the kind of extra load that I would want to take on for the hell of it, I was merely expressing the fact that were the club to arrive at a point that they needed me in that capacity, I would be willing to make some sacrifices to ensure that everyone can continue to enjoy a dangerous sport under somewhat safer circumstances.

We have been facing a dire shortage of cornerworkers as of late, and losing guys of Kip and Jeffs caliber hurts monstrously!
It would feel selfish to me to sit in my pit and bitch about the lack of cornerworkers, if there was a way that I could help. We need to keep the old growth to train the new growth.
If I am needed, I will be there.