I'm learning so much right now its a bit overwhelming. Thanks so much for the guidance you guys.

Martin - I didn't realize the Kaw650 was a twin. That's a nice piece of info. That bike looks awesome!

Mr. Bueller - excellent points. I am hoping this post might get some guys with SV's thinking about the future, and possibly "help" them move to the next class. I totally realize this post is a bit, er, premature - but am hoping it might get a conversation started with a couple local potential sellers.

If things don't go well here, I am more than willing to travel or ship if needed, but agree with you that if I travel or ship, the prices need to be "snow on the ground" prices and not "two more races in the season prices." With a little luck, I should be able to find something sweet. Right now I'm limited price wise until I sell Buell 2 anyway.