From the replies so far on the list we do still need people.

For the new people please wear white pants. I will have t-shirts for you at sign in. We meet at 6:30am in the classroom (large trailer next to the office, closest to the food trailer). Please arrive ready to work. As usual be prepared for any weather. We can race in the rain at HPR. Also absolutely no Yellow or Red clothing allowed. We do have some clear rain gear if you don't have rain gear that isn't an appropriate color.

I will be going over the responsibilities and doing a (very) condensed version of the training at the start of the day. If you are new and haven't worked before please make a note of that next to your name when you sign in and I will do my best to put you in a corner with an experienced worker to help you learn (but not Joe since I don't want him slacking ).

I have a corner marshal training document that I will post a link to once I get it put on the server somewhere.

Thanks and see you all Saturday/Sunday!

-Nick Gibson