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View Full Version : Volunteer: Denver's St. Patrick's Day Parade, March 16/17th

February 26th, 2012, 02:57 AM

March 17th, Denver's St. Patrick's Day Parade

- This will be the 11th year the Colorado Sportbike Club will be participating in the parade, and this year CSC has given us the opportunity to join them.

- Due to the rules of the parade we will not be able to ride our race bikes in down town denver :roll:, but luckly for us the CSC has offered to pull a trailer on behalf of the MRA with the truck that follows their members.

What we need from our members to make this happen:

- Good looking race bikes to display on the trailer
1) Zack Richey #96 2)Bart McKiernan #45
- Volunteers who want to decorate the trailer/"FLOAT"
1) Stephanie Kondrotis
- Volunteers to walk with the trailer to distribute MRA info
1) Randall Turner #427, 2) Adam and Noah
- Characters willing to draw attention to themselves! :lol:

Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to volunteer via PM and or email louden189@gmail.com

March 6th, 2012, 10:21 PM
This event is less than two weeks away.

Looking for more information check out this link:


For all the volunteers we will be meeting at Faster Motorsports (check out the link below). At 8:45 am. Thats about an hour before the parade, make sure to keep an eye on the forums for any updates.

http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=673&wrapid=tlif133109754129010&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=Faster+Motorsports&fb=1&gl=us&hq=Faster+Motorsports&hnear=0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x118ef4f8278a36d6,Denver ,+CO&cid=0,0,10041226424517595988&ei=yO9WT6uyE4KatwfEw9D6Dg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&ved=0CAwQ_BI

March 17th, 2012, 05:43 PM
Thank you Colorado Sportbike Club for allowing the MRA to participate in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade with you this year.

To all of the volunteers thank you for supporting the growth of the MRA

Randall Turner 4 hours
Adam Wells 4 hours
Noah Wells 4 hours
Stephanie Kondrotis 4 hours
Faith Wilson 4 hours

And thank you Faster Motorsports for allowing us to use your motorcycles and your location for staging.