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September 22nd, 2011, 10:55 AM
Hello all --

Following my nomination acceptance for Jim Wilson's PR position, I wanted to give everyone a quick hello and brief intro/bio...

I started racing with the club in 2008. I teamed up with Casey Dragos, Ara Maranian and Erik Cromer and had a fantastic season. Many fond memories of racing at Hastings and Pueblo and post-racing celebrations at "The 101" w/ Brownie, Marty, Hot Carl and Johnny B come to mind! :shock:

Since 2008, I've been an active member of the club and have tried to participate wherever and whenever possible (auto shows, etc). I spoke with Jim yesterday about the position he is vacating. He thought that I would be a good fit and after some thought and discussion with Jim, Wyeth, Scott and Tony, I agree. I have a marketing degree and a sales/marketing background from a career perspective, so that should help.

I have two main objectives if I am elected for this position...

First, we need to figure out a way to get expert members to participate more (e.g. volunteering, attending events, spreading the roadracing gospel, inviting 'paying' friends to races, etc, etc, etc). This will be the main focus for me. In an attempt to fill the enormous shoes left empty by Jim's departure, I plan to continue participating in events that promote the club and also researching and finding additional avenues and opportunities to promote our club/sport. As an example, I am a volunteer mentor small group leader for Colorado Youth @ Risk, which is a non-profit mentoring organization. I invited mentor/youth pairs out to the track for our last round @ PPIR and had a few takers. They showed up and were shocked at how amazingly cool and fun the sport was. I gave them a safety briefing and short tour of the pits/garages (Shane's Duc and Dalton's BMW were the faves). One of the mentors is a motorcyclist and is committed to coming back for a Super Street race and may just go "all in" as a NOV. Simply by organizing a small event at the track we now have exposure to the sport, a handful of new spectators and a soon-to-be new licensed novice for 2012.

Second, we need to increase grid size. The club, like any other business will only survive, and hopefully thrive, if there are people willing to buy into its product/service (in this case racing motorcycles). Super Street was an AMAZING idea and I applaud Scott and the club for coming up with and executing on this. I feel that we need to make better efforts in the transition between Super Street and a NOV's first actual season of racing. Having a long career in sales I know that, "you sell what is easy to sell". That being said, we all love racing and need to make it easier for people to come into the club and enjoy the sport that we do. During race weekends at the track I'm envisioning field trips, motorcycle shop sponsored customer appreciation days, cross-pollination/promotion between clubs (i.e. RMMM, SUMO, dirt, etc), camping at track for moto-tourers who happen to be passing through, etc, etc, etc... If I'm elected to this position I plan to be open to any and all ideas to provide exposure to both the club and sport. Let's all work together to make this happen!

Finally, why do I want to do this??? I'm sure some are running for a spot on the board to get some of their races comped. I'm doing it simply because I absolutely LOVE and am passionate about this sport and think that we have an incredible club here in Colorado. I eat, sleep and breathe racing. My wife Maria thinks that there should be RRA (Roadracing Anonymous). Between BSB, AMA, GP, WSS, WSBK and TT racing, I'm downloading and watching racing all the freaking time during the season. I even travel internationally once per year to watch a race (this year was the GP race @ Sachsenring). I am running for this position simply to become more involved. In 2008 our team was sponsored by a friend of mine that owns Brothers BBQ. Little known fact, Nick and his family are close and personal friends with the one and only Wayne Rainey. We held MotoGP and WSBK community viewing events that went over very well. I'd like to repurpose that idea at several locations for 2012 as well.

So that's that... I apologize for the incredibly long-winded post. I just wanted everyone to know who I am and why I am running. If I get nominated or not, here's to a great 2012 race season! :)

And... To put a face to the name for those not familiar................

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/250394_10150272077168169_542298168_8835726_4122539 _n.jpg

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/207730_10150228298248169_542298168_8460603_5071264 _n.jpg

jeff healy
September 22nd, 2011, 11:13 AM
Sounds like you will have a bunch of great ideas and its always exciting to have "fresh blood" ready and willing to go out and promote the club in new ways!

jeff healy
September 22nd, 2011, 11:15 AM
One idea that would help me out would be a way to make the winter pass in a day or two and make it be April next week sometime!! Any ideas :)

September 22nd, 2011, 11:20 AM
One idea that would help me out would be a way to make the winter pass in a day or two and make it be April next week sometime!! Any ideas :)

Medically induced coma maybe? :)

September 23rd, 2011, 03:22 PM
Cute glamour shot ... Where is your purse

September 23rd, 2011, 03:26 PM
And...what exactly are you doing with your hands mister??

September 24th, 2011, 01:02 AM
Cute glamour shot ... Where is your purse

Purse in the background. And Louis, I'm doing exactly what you are implying (hence the smile). :roll:

September 25th, 2011, 12:59 PM
I think you would be a major force of good Sir!! Good luck and I would be happy to help where ever possible!
Nabber #911
(Were you falling off the side of the bike in that shot?!!)

Fastt Racing
September 26th, 2011, 03:49 PM
No silly Nabber! That's how you are supposed to look in the bends, hahaha (brits) :lol: . In all seriousness though, I think he looks handsome in his glamour shot. I think he would do a great job in a PR / marketing role for the MRA. I look foreward to working with Mobley throughout the next year to increase awareness and membership for this great club of ours.

September 28th, 2011, 10:15 AM
Good luck Dave. Your a great asset to the club and a great friend.

If anything Dave does nothing half ass. Its all in with him.

Great ideas BTW.

I'm certain that he would bring good things to the club.
I have nothing but good things to say.

Fu@k the haters Dave the pic is dope. (mEtRo for life Yo) lol..


September 28th, 2011, 12:55 PM
Good luck Dave. Your a great asset to the club and a great friend.

If anything Dave does nothing half ass. Its all in with him.

Great ideas BTW.

I'm certain that he would bring good things to the club.
I have nothing but good things to say.

Fu@k the haters Dave the pic is dope. (mEtRo for life Yo) lol..


Thanks Steve... Speaking of glamour shots, you need to post up a picture of that new bike of yours. Dopeness!!! :)

October 6th, 2011, 09:03 AM
Hey guys, in an effort to get a jump start (no meatball flags please!) on the marketing/PR board position, I met with the editor-in-chief from Mile High Sports magazine on Tuesday evening (www.milehighsports.com).

Doug and I are going to circle back in March or April to get an MRA article in their annual "Summer Adventures" issue and can also write a focus profile on one of our top racers.

Not only would it be cool and beneficial for our club to have an article in a high-end full gloss magazine, but they also run a sports radio station and website as well. All three of these avenues could potentially drive exposure to our sport/club.

I just wanted everyone to be aware that I'm serious about this position, and if elected will do my absolute best in the role.

Hope everyone is having a great week, talk soon --

-- David

PS... Anyone want to volunteer to be the featured rider in the article? While I would love for it to be about me, I don't think consistent mid-pack finishes make for good reading. :(

Maybe Turpin, Galster, Schrammy, Ricky, one of the Dimmicks, or someone like that?

October 6th, 2011, 03:58 PM
Ask Moham, he might do it. He runs the most classes out of everybody and is consistently on the podium, if not then top 5. Just a thought.

October 6th, 2011, 04:15 PM
PS... Anyone want to volunteer to be the featured rider in the article? While I would love for it to be about me, I don't think consistent mid-pack finishes make for good reading. :(

Maybe Turpin, Galster, Schrammy, Ricky, one of the Dimmicks, or someone like that?

The racer's you've mentioned rarely frequent the forum. You may want to reach out to them directly.

October 6th, 2011, 04:29 PM
I don't think consistent mid-pack finishes make for good reading. :(
[/b]But could it? Isn't that the great thing about writing.... having the idea to make something that is not already exciting and finding ways or perspective to make it exciting?

I mean look at your mid pack racing, when you are out there racing do you consider it exciting or boring? I"m sure even the guys in the back that battle it out consider it quite exciting.

Hehe, I get what you mean though.

But I am just sayin.... 00--00

T Baggins
October 6th, 2011, 04:41 PM
Ok Ginger,

Postulate it any way you want, we're STILL not gonna Feature YOU in the article. :lol: :shock:

October 6th, 2011, 04:46 PM
hahaha..... Mobley is much sexier to be the centerfold of an article... Whoops! I mean feature of an article.....

Unless of course it is for a magazine about Lumberjack Men with sweeeeeet beards!

October 6th, 2011, 06:34 PM
Unless of course it is for a magazine about Lumberjack Men with sweeeeeet beards!

Oh god! Bad visual!!! :shock:

October 8th, 2011, 04:17 PM
One idea that would help me out would be a way to make the winter pass in a day or two and make it be April next week sometime!! Any ideas :)

Medically induced coma maybe? :)

As I work in my garage organizing race stuff, anxious for next season, I remembered this post and realized that not only would the induced coma make time go faster, but the beer, tequila and scotch money saved would no doubt pay for my whole race season.


October 24th, 2011, 03:11 PM
Hey guys, due to some personal issues along with a couple of work and personal related time constraints, I've decided to withdraw my nomination for this position.

I apologize for the late notice and am thankful for the support that I've received up until now.

Best of luck to the other candidates. Thanks for understanding --

October 24th, 2011, 05:57 PM
PS... I spoke w/ Tony earlier today and for those that have voted already, something will be figured out to ensure that your vote isn't wasted. Thanks guys -