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View Full Version : 2007 MRA Schedule **TENTATIVE**

November 8th, 2006, 12:14 PM
Here is the **TENTATIVE** schedule for 2007. I hate to release it before it is finalized, but I am not sure how long it will take to resolve the issue of who will manage La Junta next season, and I can't confirm dates there until that is done. If I knew when that would be resolved I would simply say that the schedule would be released on such-n-such date, but without that knowledge I figure it's better to give you an incomplete schedule at this time rather than leave it ALL up in the air.

So, the dates in BLUE are confirmed and will not (well, should not) change. The Pueblo dates are 'grandfathered' from the previous 2 seasons and cannot be changed. There is simply not any additional track time available there and with all the other clubs being accustomed to their grandfathered dates the chances of swapping dates 1) in general and, 2) in a manner that works with what we already have in place, are slim to none.

The dates in RED are simply what I am hoping for, and are subject to change.


I realize that this leaves us with a conflict with MoM. Resolving that conflict totally isn't realistic since one instance involves Pueblo. Moving things around to lessen the conflict would leave us with another lopsided schedule (too many events at either the beginning or the end of the season) or would cause us to have back-to-back events or race on both of the three-day holiday weekends. One other option is to move the last La Junta date to October and have it be the season finale. That may or may not be an option, my gut tells me it wouldn't be very popular for two reasons -

1) Last race of the season at our most unpopular facility
2) That makes for a very long season with huge gaps on either side of the August Pueblo date.

Because the vast majority of our members race our series exclusively my first concern is to give them the best schedule possible, conflicts with other series that a small number of members may want to run is secondary. There's no way to please everyone, so if you are a member of the unhappy group all I can say is "I apologize".

I will update this post whenever I have new info.