View Full Version : 2011 Number availability?

May 2nd, 2011, 12:22 PM
Forgive me if its public already and I missed it..

Is there somewhere I can view the available numbers online for MRA? Some of the TrackDaz guys are planning to visit you guys this summer, and I just want to be sure everything is cool before we get there.

Good luck to all of you competitors for Round 1!

ps. I recently had NJK make me new leathers, and even though I'm a Socal dude, I've got an MRA patch on there! I just wanted to say to you all that a lot of what we created the new CVMA (chuckwalla) race series out of is the experience I had with you guys last summer. You guys kick ass!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/230071_10150276336352067_625817066_9298446_201335_ n.jpg?dl=1

May 2nd, 2011, 12:46 PM
Dustin --

To search you can go to the MRA main page, click on "results and standings" and then click on "results by MRA rider number".

So as an example, I just searched for 953 and this is what the system came back with (copied from site): "I am not able to located an MRA mra_number 953."

So, that one would be available I'm assuming. Some numbers come back with a name, but no results from last season. Unless that rider has re-upped their contract I believe those numbers are available as well, but you'd have to check with a board member.

Good on ya' for putting an MRA patch on the new leathers. Me and a couple of guys were out at Grange a couple of weekends ago riding in the M1GP 8-hour mini endurance race and met some folks from Chuckwalla. Everyone seemed incredibly knowledgeable and nice. I'm looking forward to riding the track one of these days.

See ya at the track!

May 2nd, 2011, 02:45 PM
not sure how up to date it is, but pg 59 of the 2011 season program has a rider/number list
