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View Full Version : Friday at the track

January 18th, 2011, 03:11 PM
So, what typically is happening out at the tracks on Fridays before a race weekend? I see the HPR calendar has them marked as motorcycle lapping days - sweet! - with the May 6 date being MRA only - sweet! Do MRA riders get any special price on these Friday lapping days?

Second, what's the atmosphere like out there on Fridays after the lapping days? Do people stay overnight and benchrace? Is it a somber atmosphere (I said somber, not sober - though perhaps those are related to some of us). Or are the gates typically unmanned, hence no camping?

I've obviously picked on HPR since that's where most of our racing happens. What about Pueblo? And PPIR?

I'm looking for thoughts, anecdotal or factual, so please, chime in. I am partially trying to get this info into public view for us noobs since some rituals and quirks may not be obvious to a new racer. Thanks!


January 18th, 2011, 04:10 PM
The Friday track days at HPR are ran by the HPR staff, so there is no discount to "MRA" members. You do get a discount if you sign up for the track day online vs paying when you get there.

Due to the track's insurance we are not able to camp out on thursday night, unless you stay outside the gate, in which there are a few of us that do that too. A lot of people camp at the tracks on friday and saturday nights. Good time... good times!! 8) :lol: .... sometimes at HPR they have a band on saturday night, and a fire pit going.... but rest assured... you can usually find a party somewhere in the paddock...

Pueblo (to my understanding) is currently doing a little bit of restructuring, so pricing for track days has yet to be announced. In the past couple years though it has been the same as HPR as far as camping goes.

PPIR has a gate curfew for Friday and Saturday night, but you can camp out at the track.. 8)