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View Full Version : Superstreet graduation

July 11th, 2010, 02:46 PM
Yesterday was my second time doing the Superstreet class. First off, I want to thank everyone who has helped make the class into what it is. There was definitely a variety of riders out there, several little battles that I know of, and even a handful of spectators.

Now that I have participated twice, I would like to get a novice license and get out there for some honest to goodness points. I am not sure where to go from here. If I am to understand it, I can now petition the gods to apply for a license. How does one go about that? Stalk Mark S. and drop subtle hints or what is the process there?

Next, since the season is 1/2 over, is there any break on the cost of the license? I am not seeing the cost as a barrier, but for the sake of understanding the process I thought I would ask.

Finally, how are novice "hours" going to be counted if joining in the middle of the season? Is the number of hours prorated at all? Again, I would like to say this isn't going to be a barrier, but I think it's important to know how it works.


T Baggins
July 12th, 2010, 08:30 AM
Hey Jamie!

Glad you had a good time at Pueblo and finished your second SS class!

To get a license, go here:


Fill it all out and send it to Rybo - address is on form.

The license fee for 1/2 season is only $75 so fill that in instead of the $125 on the form.

Rybo will clear with Schellinger, but if you've done well in the SS series, no reason they wouldn't give you a license.

Novice hours aren't prorated... but it's as easy as working ONE open house or bike night - or coming to 4 General meetings - or "buying" them for $100.

Next General Meeting is this Wednesday at the Walnut Room - 7pm...

July 12th, 2010, 12:23 PM
Thanks for the info Tony! I have my packet all filled out and will try to make it to the meeting on Weds.

Mark Schellinger
July 12th, 2010, 05:35 PM

You handled this poorly.

You prolly could have got a truck wash out of the deal.
