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June 14th, 2010, 10:01 AM
Hope this particular forum is OK because this is slightly related to PR.

Hey folks, I was the photographer that was out there Saturday the 12th shooting in the mist/rain. First things first, could I get an address to return the media pass – it was pouring when I got up Sunday morning and decided my pictures from the previous day were bad enough even without the additional handicap of a downpour! Either PM or decode the email in my signature – thanks!

Secondly, may I offer two suggestions: Could you put a return address in the laminated media pass to help idiots like myself who don’t return the pass after race day and could you put the photographer’s rules on your website in the forms section – it was a forehead-head slapping moment when I read the color restrictions! I’m actually glad that it was cold out because re-arranging my layers gave me an acceptable exterior color.

Lastly, and most importantly I’d like to thank everyone that helped me out on Saturday – race photography is a new endeavor for me, and the day gave me chance to get the lay of the land and experiment a bit. Specifically I’d like to thank Joe Turek that acted as my host when he wasn’t yanking his rains off minutes before the endurance race :-), Jen in the trailer for getting me setup with the media pass and Shane in turn 13 for keeping me safe and giving me background information on the race (the endurance race was the only one I was on course for).

Thank you one and all, and I’ll be back, hopefully in better photo conditions!


June 14th, 2010, 10:10 AM
Roger, if you are going to be shooting more races, just keep the pass till the end of the season. I think that's what most of us are doing, and Jenn told me to, so you know it's true. ;)

May 15th, 2011, 08:02 PM
Could someone please post the rules that are handed out when you get a press pass, such as what colors not to wear on the track, etc (the colors are the easy part -- it's the other rules I can't remember from last year :)).

Hopefully it's a simple cut-and paste to this topic from the existing document that has all the rules.

Thank you!
