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View Full Version : A quick knee question

June 8th, 2010, 07:33 PM
Quick question, I havent been trying to get the knees on the asphault. Ive been concentrating on A)picking a good line, apexing effectively B)consitently using said line, turning in at the same time C) effiecent body position.

So when my knee ended up touching down the first couple times, it was unexpected and kinda unerving, both at ppir, and an earlier trackday at HPR. I would jerk it back up, destablizing the bike.

Sunday out at HPR, everything came togeather, I was much faster, fluid and accurate than I have been. My knee started hitting the deck on a regular basis, I forced myself to embrace it, It seemed to stabize and clarify the bike and the turn. Again, its not something im searching for, just seems to be a result of other actions.

Problem I have, is that my knees, particularly the right one are very sore now. I have "bad" knees that are sensative to impact from previous injuries, dont know if its just that, or puck in the wrong placement, or if my timing is off as to when it touches. The knee started hurting me badly enough to make me not want to touch down after lunch. as far timing goes, If I recall correctly, seems to touch down slightly before apexing or there abouts, but feels like a lot of pressure builds on it from then till when it gets off the deck.

June 8th, 2010, 08:42 PM
Well, all I can say I was doing the same thing.
My first race in Hastings I was on my knees so hard that if I stop in the turn in the lean angle my bike will still stay on wheels :D
Untill I "melted" both pucks. :)

Later when I started to get faster and needed more lean angle I found out that the knee is there mostly as a reference point and not to support the bike.

If I do the same thing now like I was doing then I will most likely brake my leg :)

I must say that some guys are faster then me and they do not even tuch down.
Thats just my 2c. :)

June 9th, 2010, 06:08 AM
You must be putting your knee down pretty hard. Some guys like to drag their knees through the entire turn, I use my more of a lean angle reference. It barely taps the ground on the tight turns or when I'm really pushing 100%. A set of pucks would probably last me two years including track days and races.

Your body position and knee should already be set in place way before it touches. Then, as the bike gradually reaches more lean angle, your knee should gradually touch the ground. It should never hit the ground with any force that would cause it to be sore.

Be smooth with body movement and leaning the bike over, and it shouldn't be a problem any more.

June 9th, 2010, 07:08 AM
Ill work on that next time out, and make sure Im not slamming it in, or leaning on it to hard. I cant recall if I was, but it seemed like I was leaning on it pretty hard.

June 9th, 2010, 07:16 AM
Some people do lean on their knees hard and burn through pucks very fast. When I first started racing, I destroyed a set of Spidi pucks during a 2 day trip to Pahrump NV. It was crazy. Now, however, its more of a gauge. My knee will lightly touch when I'm leaning so I know about where my angle is at. If I have my knee sucked in against the bike more and its touching, well I know I'm really close to the edge. Its good to have your knee down or close because you can save your bike when the front washes out by putting more support on the knee. Either way, dragging alot or barely touching, it should always come in contact smooth and soft, never hard enough to hurt your knees.

Find me the next time you are out and we can go over body position, check your pegs and riding ergonomics :)

June 9th, 2010, 09:19 AM
my knees are pretty bad too, surgeries that i have been putting off that i need badly. i let my knee touch at first then i pick it back up, i dont like it to slide the whole time through the corner

June 9th, 2010, 12:37 PM
I see alot of people really sticking their knee out, which is what I used to do so I could be cool and get my knee down, but now I just kind of let my inside leg hang under its own weight, and it will drag occasionally, but there is barely any pressure on it. I kind of let it float, and just use it as a reference for how far I am leaned over.

June 21st, 2010, 03:06 PM
As long as we are just adding 2c, here-

I had the same sore knee problem when I was using the stock A* hard ass thick pucks that came on my leathers when I bought them, and the pants I had been using on the road.

I bought a quality set of Woodcraft knee sliders, and for whatever reason it made it all better. I find they are quiet, slick, softer and have a better feel. Just another idea.



June 21st, 2010, 06:12 PM
At one of the STAR schools, I believe I remember Jason Pridmore saying that people who are used to really sticking their knees out there usually stop doing so once their knee hits or catches on curbing.

Just what I heard, not that I know anything about real racing.

June 22nd, 2010, 07:36 PM
+1 to everything that Casey and Cromer said!

June 22nd, 2010, 11:18 PM
I really appreciate all the feedback. All good info and things Ill be working on. I did get a decent set of pucks (I think) Chickenhawks? Casey, Ill hit you up at Pueblo on Sunday. At any rate, Im going to go easier on my knees. Im rapidly approaching 40 and swinging a hammer on monday morning with inflamed knees goes over like a turd in a punch bowl.

June 24th, 2010, 01:40 PM
+1 to everything that Casey and Cromer said!


I have the same set of pucks for about 4 seasons and still plenty left. (Using A* "hard ass thick pucks")

June 24th, 2010, 01:58 PM
my sliders that came with my technic lasted me 2 seasons, i barely hit them on the ground and they were pretty hard.

the pucks that came with my MX-1 are soft and are already pretty worn and brand new this seaosn.

June 28th, 2010, 01:18 PM
Agreed. If your going through pucks like candy, you are dragging too much. It looks cool but not the fastest way around the track

June 29th, 2010, 02:44 PM
I can burn a set of pucks up when on the SV in one weekend. I can't seem to hold the bike up mid corner without really throwing my knee down.

June 29th, 2010, 10:28 PM
I played around alot with upperbody position at pueblo, and just kinda let my leg do as it would, I wasnt real keen on putting my knee down on that surface much anyway, kinda like licking a cheese grater. Felt alot easier on the knees, specially if my head and upper body were in the right place, seems to put less stress and impact on the leg/knee and let me use it more as a guide, rather than a support. Felt like I had the right position about 50 perecent of the time or so. Im happy with making progress.

July 3rd, 2010, 03:26 PM
I can burn a set of pucks up when on the SV in one weekend. I can't seem to hold the bike up mid corner without really throwing my knee down.

I'm a dummy, but physics say the bike should go strait and not want to turn/lean, thats why your inputs have to make the bike do these things. The faster the harder to do, maybe there is a problem somewhere if the bike wants to fall?? Or maybe it is dialed really well, & you think its too low when really its on rails?